
LASIGE celebrates the International Women in Engineering Day

Date: 23/06/2021

International Women in Engineering Day is a special day during which women engineers celebrate their achievements.

Since recognizing women in engineering, the field is growing in popularity. More and more women flock to the engineering field as they become inspired by the women who pioneered the field before them. The ultimate goal is to have an equal representation of people from all walks of life working in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) roles, as they continue to be under-represented.

Having equal representation in roles that are meant to make our lives easier can make a huge difference for everyone. We need to have a diverse group of people designing technology, than the product will benefit many people from various different backgrounds.

Women have made ground-breaking discoveries in their fields. Without their work, many things may not exist. Women today are inspired by them and encourage more girls and young women to actively pursue careers in STEM. That is why LASIGE celebrates this holiday, so the STEM women today can inspire the STEM women of tomorrow.

To inspire the next generations: here, here and here.