

PHD in Informatics Seminar #5 2022/2023 | DI Ciências ULisboa

Title: Adapting the Consensus with Unknown Participants Model for Blockchains
Speaker: Robin Vassantlal, LASIGE/DI-FCUL
Date: May 4, 2023, 12h
Where: Room 6.3.27

Abstract: Consensus plays a crucial role in blockchain to decide the order of blocks. There are several solutions to solve the consensus. However, solutions for the open setting where the number of participants is unknown have several limitations. These limitations include high energy consumption, low performance, and not guaranteeing consensus finality property.
In this seminar, I will discuss ongoing work on making practical a mostly uncharted Consensus with Unknown Participants (CUP) distributed system model for blockchain. In more detail, I will present the CUP model and the limitations of CUP that have to be tackled to adapt it for the blockchain open setting and current challenges/attempts to address those limitations.