

Date: 12/07/2024

The LASIGE Forum IV, organised by the PhD Student Commission, took place today, the 12th of July 2024.

It was time to appreciate the enthusiasm of the invited speakers, André Rodrigues, and Andreia Sofia Teixeira, both LASIGE integrated members, and the PhD Student Bakary Badjie talking about the developments in his PhD thesis.

Concerned about the importance of communication in Science, the PhD Student Commission also invited Marta Santos from the Science Communication Office at Ciências Ulisboa, who has reflected on the positive influence of science & technology on society. The science communicator has highlighted some relevant reasons to communicate science as “engaging with non-expert audiences makes you see your work from different perspectives, scientists who engage with society perform better academically, potentially raise awareness about research, and social responsibility”.

Then the LASIGE community shared its recent presence, “Around the World”, and socialised around the table enjoying their lunch.

We strongly congratulate the members of the LASIGE PhD Student Commission, Filipa Rocha, Miguel Silva, Inês Gonçalves, David Gonçalves, Allan Espindola, Joel Samper (Sam), and Jéssica Catarino for this successful event!

If you want to know more about its works, look for it here.