Besides the very strong participation of LASIGE members at the organization of the ASSETS2020: the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 26-27 October 2020, the LASIGE’s Accessibility and Ageing team line showed their work, that design, build and evaluate interactive technologies addressing high-value social issues such as accessible computing, pervasive healthcare, and usable privacy at the event.
The paper “Playing With Others: Depicting Multiplayer Gaming Experiences of People With Visual Impairments”, authored by the MSc Student David Gonçalves, and the researchers André Rodrigues, Tiago Guerreiro, was nominated for the category of “Best paper”.
And was also presented the poster “TACTOPI: a Playful Approach to Promote Computational Thinking for Visually Impaired Children” authored by the MSc Student Lúcia Verónica Abreu, and the researchers Ana Cristina Pires, Tiago Guerreiro.