
Andreia Mordido and Vasco Vasconcelos’ research published @ PLDI 2023

Date: 14/07/2023

Algebraic protocols allow programmers to describe protocols in concurrent programs the way they would write datatypes in conventional programming languages. LASIGE researchers Andreia Mordido and Vasco T. Vasconcelos are part of the international team whose work on this problem was just published at the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2023), a top-tier conference on programming languages. The paper, titled “Parameterized Algebraic Protocols”, is available here.

The research that led to the publication was developed in the context of the SafeSessions project. It demonstrates that in combination with polymorphism, algebraic protocols increase the expressiveness and modularity by facilitating new ways of parameterizing and composing session types.