The paper “Investigating the Tradeoffs of Everyday Text-Entry Collection Methods”, co-authored by LASIGE’s André Rodrigues and Tiago Guerreiro (both integrated researchers), André Santos (engineer) and Diogo Branco (PhD student) has been published as part of the Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI22), a top-ranked publication (CORE A* and ranked #1 in the Google Scholar Human Computer Interaction). The paper is also co-authored by Kyle Montague at the University of Northumbria, and Jay Rainey, David Verweij and Jan Smeddinck from Newcastle University. The paper received a Best Paper Award and was presented physically at CHI’22 in New Orleans on the 3rd of May.
In the paper the authors investigated the tradeoffs of different text-entry data collection methods in the wild. The paper presents the developed open source WildKey toolkit, a privacy aware-keyboard built to collect everyday typing data. A four week study with 26 participants comparing experience sampling methods with passive sensing revealed how different collection methods have significant impact on performance, user experience and willingness to use.
You can find the video preview, and video presentation online.
Best Paper Award @ CHI22

Date: 06/05/2022