Luís Correia, LASIGE integrated member, was one of the panellists at the AR Event in the Champalimaud Foundation under the title “Shaping Tomorrow’s Intelligence” on May 7, 2024. With his intervention “The Future of (us &) AI”, our...
Miguel G. Silva, LASIGE’s PhD student, published a paper titled “A Comprehensive Survey on Biclustering-based Collaborative Filtering”, in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Journal, a top-ranked journal with an impact factor of 16.6, ranked 1/320 and 1/123 in Scimago’s...
Ibéria Medeiros, LASIGE integrated member, was invited by the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), to give a talk in June 19, 2024, and meet with master and PhD students and researchers. The talk, entitled “Software inSecurity:...
Hasan Heydari and Alysson Bessani, LASIGE integrated members, published a paper entitled “Probabilistic Byzantine Fault Tolerance” on the 43rd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC’24), held in Nantes, France, June 17-21, the top conference in...
Each year, MaxData recognizes the top students from each course in the Department of Informatics. The award is given during the Ciências ULisboa anniversary ceremony. This year, five LASIGE students were honoured for their academic achievements (MSc) and research...
Former LASIGE’s PhD student Diana F. Sousa was awarded by FCiências.ID. Her PhD thesis, titled ” Deep learning system for biomedical relation extraction combining external sources of knowledge”, completed in 2023, was recognized by the institution as...