LASIGE’s paper finalist of GAconf awards

LASIGE’s paper finalist of GAconf awards

The paper Evaluating Accessible Navigation for Blind People in Virtual Environments, by Manuel Piçarra (LASIGE MSc student), and André Rodrigues and João Guerreiro (LASIGE integrated members), has been nominated for the Game Accessibility Conference (GAconf)...
Alysson Bessani interviewed by Ciências ULisboa

Alysson Bessani interviewed by Ciências ULisboa

Following the award “Computer Sciences and Informatic Engineering-2023 Prize” by Ulisboa/CGD to Alysson Bessani, on November 23, 2023, our researcher was interviewed by Ciências ULisboa. Alysson Bessani, LASIGE Director and integrated member, reflected on the...
LASIGE’s Executive Committee Elected (2024/2025)

LASIGE’s Executive Committee Elected (2024/2025)

On December 13, 2023, the LASIGE Scientific Council elected the Executive Committee (EC), for the 2024/2025 period, constituted by Alysson Bessani (Director), Tiago Guerreiro, and Cátia Pequita. The re-elected EC thanked the vote of confidence and proposed to follow...