Matilde Pós-de-Mina Pato, LASIGE’s researcher and PhD student, published the paper “Survey on Recommender Systems for Biomedical Items in Life and Health Sciences” in ACM Computing Surveys journal, a high-ranked journal in the field of Computer Science (h-index of...
LASIGE’s integrated researcher André Souto is co-author of the paper “Quantum Kolmogorov complexity and quantum correlations in deterministic-control quantum Turing machines” published in Quantum, a top-tier journal ranked in the top 10% of Scimago Journal...
Recursive types, generics, and subtyping are all essential features for modern programming languages, such as Go, Rust, TypeScript and Java. However, their combination is difficult to manage. The LASIGE researcher Andreia Mordido is part of the international team that...
Eduardo N. Castanho, LASIGE’s PhD student, published the paper “G-bic: generating synthetic benchmarks for biclustering”, in BMC Bioinformatics journal, a high-ranked journal in the field of bioinformatics (h-index of 231, Scimago Q1), in December 2023. The paper was...
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as the International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development, as a human right, a public good, and a public responsibility. When UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for...
Last week, as part of the VEDLIoT project, António Casimiro, LASIGE integrated member, took part in HiPEAC 2024, between 17 and 19 January 2024, in Munich. At HiPEAC, António Casimiro co-organized the 3rd edition of the workshop entitled “Deep Learning for IoT...