LASIGE researchers Carlos Duarte and Letícia Seixas Pereira organized the Research Symposium “Evaluating Accessibility: Meeting Key Challenges” as part of the H2020 project Web Accessibility Initiative – Communities of Practice (WAI-CooP). The symposium,...
Carlos Duarte, LASIGE integrated member, participated in the last online meeting of the Web Accessibility Initiative Communities of Practice (WAI-CooP), an H2020 project, on the 14th of November 2023. This event provided an overview of the WAI-CooP project team’s work...
LASIGE’s researcher Catia Pesquita, an integrated member, was recently interviewed by Exame Informática about the challenges faced by artificial intelligence in healthcare and science and how they are being tackled by our researchers. The piece highlights H2020...
The 5th face-to-face General Assembly (GA) of the SATO project was held by its Siemens Austria partners in Vienna, Austria, from 21 to 23 November 2023. The GA was attended by Pedro Ferreira, the Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator at LASIGE, Manuel...
Ciências ULisboa is challenging its researchers to explain how their specialised work is relevant in the larger context. In a new series of short videos called Global Challenges, the faculty researchers are invited to share the reach of the knowledge produced by their...
LASIGE researchers have once again been featured in the top 2% list of the world’s most-cited scientists, which was compiled at Stanford University (USA) and published in Elsevier BV. The database aggregates the top 2 percent scientists of the world from different...