Advent of Code is an annual programming competition that provides contestants with two challenges per day during the first 25 days of December. LASIGE is sponsoring an award for the best-ranked BSc or MSc student from the Department of Informatics at FCUL in the value...
LASIGE received the members of its Advisory Board this week. Andrea Bondavalli, Mike Hinchey and Pedro Bizarro were welcomed by LASIGE’s junior and senior members from November 8 to 9. Nuria Oliver joined remotely. The Advisory Board members gathered with the...
LASIGE’s PhD student Pedro Ruas was invited for a three-month stay with the Bioinformatics Research Group at BIOTEC, part of the Dresden University of Technology, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Michael Schroeder. The research stay started in October and will...
It is now open to the call for applications to the LASIGE Doctoral INPhINIT-Incoming “la Caixa” Foundation Fellowships 2024. Find out our 10 positions in these groups of disciplines: here. Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceuticals, Food Technology (#2)...
Carlos Duarte, LASIGE integrated member and the coordinator of the Accessibility and Ageing Research Line of Excellence, is one of the invited speakers with “Accessibility and usability evaluation methods” at the Public Administration Digital Accessibility...
Sara C. Madeira, LASIGE integrated member, was distinguished with the Ciências 2022 Science Merit Award in Computer Science Engineering. The ceremony was held in Ciências ULisboa on the 24th of October, 2023, at the Ciências Research & Innovation Day. LASIGE...