Tiago Guerreiro will be a keynote speaker at the 17th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE 2023). The event will start next week, August 30, and will take place in Paris, France. The AAATE conference...
Recently, Ciências ULisboa joined the programme UPskill – Digital Skills and Jobs, a programme that aims to retrain unemployed or underemployed people in the various areas of Information and Communications Technologies, guaranteeing them employability. Launched...
FCT announced the provisional results of the Call for PhD Studentships in all Scientific Domains 2023, which foresees the allocation of 1450 grants. LASIGE has had 9 PhD students awarded with the FCT grant. The team congratulates Allan Espindola, Bakary Badjie, Daniel...
LASIGE’s integrated members Helena Aidos and Sara C. Madeira, collaborator Andreia S. Martins, and PhD students Eduardo N. Castanho, Ruben Branco, and Diogo F. Soares are co-authors of a study published in the top-ranked journal Artificial Intelligence in...
Sara Silva, LASIGE integrated member, was the General Chair at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2023 (GECCO 2023), which took place from July 15–19 in Lisbon, Portugal. GECCO presents the latest high-quality results in genetic and evolutionary...
Alysson Bessani, António Casimiro, Ibéria Medeiros, and Nuno Neves, LASIGE’s integrated members, and our PhD students Carlos Mão de Ferro, Paulo Antunes, and MSc student Rodrigo Simões, actively participated, being sessions chairs or presenting tutorials and...