Francisco Couto, LASIGE integrated member, gave an online course “MC15: Introduction to Bioinformatics via the Command Line”, on September 28, 2023, at the Escola Gaúcha de Bioinformática, Brazil. The course outline was an introduction, step-by-step, to...
As part of the Ciências ULisboa community, LASIGE took the opportunity to present to its peers the science that is produced in the unit in 5th edition of Ciências Research & Innovation Day! The event, a public showcase of the best science made in the centenary...
“LASIGE Project Proposal Pitch to Peers” was specially designed for Early Career Researchers, by the LASIGE’s Executive Commission, and was held October 25, 2023. This session intends to continue the work of preparation, that had begun in May 2023,...
The University of Lisbon (ULisboa), with the support of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), presents every year the “University of Lisbon / Caixa Geral de Depósitos Scientific Prizes”, which aims to reward scientific research activity and encourage the practice of...
Pedro Barbosa, LASIGE’s PhD student, published a paper “Computational prediction of human deep intronic variation”, co-authored with Alcides Fonseca, LASIGE integrated member, among others, in Giga Science, a top-ranked journal. The work is a...
António Casimiro, LASIGE integrated member, participated at the VEDLIoT’s 5th Project General Assembly, on 27 September 2023, in Amsterdam. Although all the partners were on site, participating in the IoT Tech Expo 2023, the meeting was organized in hybrid mode to...