Francisco Couto @ INCREaSE 2023

Francisco Couto @ INCREaSE 2023

Francisco Couto, LASIGE’s integrated member, was Chair of the session “Information technology and artificial intelligence applied to sustainability” at the 3rd edition of the INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury...
LASIGE @ Encontro Ciência 2023

LASIGE @ Encontro Ciência 2023

LASIGE participated in the annual science meeting organized by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), the Foundation that supports Science and Technology in Portugal, held in Aveiro, Portugal, on July 5-7, 2023, and some of our students could present their...
LASIGE’s MSc student Gil Silva’s paper accepted at CONCUR 2023

LASIGE’s MSc student Gil Silva’s paper accepted at CONCUR 2023

LASIGE’s MSc student Gil Silva is the first author of the paper “Subtyping Context-Free Session Types ”, accepted for presentation at CONCUR 2023: International Conference on Concurrency Theory, a CORE A ranked conference. The event will take place in Antwerp,...
LASIGE 25 years Celebration

LASIGE 25 years Celebration

LASIGE celebrated its 25th anniversary, on July 5, 2023, and it was time to meet four of its founders again: Paulo Veríssimo, Nuno Guimarães, Luís Rodrigues, Mário Silva. It discussed, conducted by Alysson Bessani, the founders’ experience during and after...
Filipa Rocha awarded 2nd – Young Inventors Prize 2023

Filipa Rocha awarded 2nd – Young Inventors Prize 2023

Filipa Rocha, LASIGE PhD Student and researcher, was awarded 2nd prize of the Young Inventors Award that the European Patent Office, edition 2023, at the live broadcast ceremony, which was held in Valencia, Spain, on July 4, 2023. This prize recognizes initiatives...