LASIGE participated in the CAML Running Challenge, a solidarity race that took place last weekend. Our team comprised several members from the LASIGE community who came together to support a good cause and showcase our spirit of unity and camaraderie. The CAML Running...
LASIGE once again was present at the Ciências’s Open Day for Masters and Doctorates that took place at the campus of Ciências of ULisboa, held on April 20, 2023. An event to promote the Ciências’ ULisboa Master’s and PhD programmes, aimed at...
Every year MaxData acknowledges the best student of each of the Department of Informatics’ courses. The award is presented at the Ciências ULisboa anniversary ceremony. This year several LASIGE students were distinguished for their academic (BSc and MSc) record...
Every year, MaxData acknowledges the best student of each of the Department of Informatics’ courses. The award is presented at the Ciências ULisboa anniversary ceremony. Once again, LASIGE students were distinguished for their academic record (MSc) and research...
In 2023, Ciências ULisboa celebrates its 112th anniversary. The ceremony, hosted by the Faculty Director, and LASIGE integrated researcher, Luís Carriço, was graced by speeches of the Dean of ULisboa, Luís Ferreira, and by the Minister for Science, Technology and...
LASIGE researchers presented two full papers, one of which received a Best Paper Award, at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023), a top-ranked venue (CORE A*). They also presented three late-breaking works, and two workshop papers....