Ana Luísa Respício @ C-DAYS MADEIRA

Ana Luísa Respício @ C-DAYS MADEIRA

Ana Luísa Respício, LASIGE integrated member, was one of the invited guest to the C-DAYS MADEIRA Conference, at the panel “Privacy and Justice”, held in Câmara de Lobos, on March 9, 2022. C-DAYS MADEIRA seeks to bring together guests from various areas,...
LASIGE published @ IEEE VR 2023

LASIGE published @ IEEE VR 2023

The paper “The Design Space of the Auditory Representation of Objects and Their Behaviours in Virtual Reality for Blind People”, co-authored by LASIGE’s João Guerreiro and André Rodrigues (both integrated researchers) and Rodrigo Nogueira (MSc...
Diogo Poças published in SIAM journal

Diogo Poças published in SIAM journal

LASIGE researcher Diogo Poças published joint work with Aris Filos-Ratsikas (University of Edinburgh), Yiannis Giannakopoulos (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen Nürnberg), Alexandros Hollender (University of Oxford) and Philip Lazos (Input Output) in the SIAM...
Best Paper Award in Human-Computer Interaction at HUCAPP 2023

Best Paper Award in Human-Computer Interaction at HUCAPP 2023

LASIGE’s integrated member Teresa Chambel and MSc students Francisco Caldeira and João Lourenço won the Best Paper Award at the 7th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Theory and Applications (HUCAPP 2023) for the paper “Happy or Sad,...
Myriarch project kick-off meeting

Myriarch project kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of the Myriarch project, a 3-year research project funded by FCT in 2022, was held in Lisbon on the 1st of March, 2023. The Myriarch project will investigate translation mechanisms for the inter-networking of different Internet Architectures,...
LASIGE strengthens ties with KAUST

LASIGE strengthens ties with KAUST

Paulo Veríssimo, a former LASIGE integrated member, presented his workshop “Resilience IS the Cybersecurity of the XXI Century: Here’s why, explained through a Blockchain example”, on February 13, 2023, at Ciências ULisboa. This workshop has intended to...