Reflection on a year that has passed and the beginning of a new year always generates resolutions, choices, and, eventually, changes. That is why listening to other life stories and experiences may help us in some phases of decision-making, so we suggest listening to...
We wish all of you, our collaborators and partners in the academic community, our funding entities, suppliers, and families, a very “warm season”. We are grateful to have you on our valued network, positively impacting our research. A new year is coming...
Once again, LASIGE will support the Advent of Code 2022, organized by our integrated member Alcides Fonseca, which began December 1. It is a set of exercises until Christmas for our students to practice the programming they’ve learned. The best position (undergraduate...
The LASIGE Winter Forum, organised by the PhD Student Commission, took place today, the 16th of December 2022. The program was diverse and ambitious. Among other activities, it included: a keynote speech by Luís Duarte, researcher at Sony Interactive Entertainment; a...
Carlos Duarte, LASIGE integrated member, was the guest on the 90 Segundos de Ciência podcast today, December 19, 2022, talking about the developments of Qualweb. Qualweb is a tool that allows you to evaluate the accessibility of websites automatically. This tool can,...
João Guerreiro, Ana Paula Afonso, and André Rodrigues, LASIGE integrated members, and the LASIGE PhD students David Gonçalves, Diogo Branco, Filipa Rocha, and Pedro Pais organized the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM2022), held in...