LASIGE researchers are once again featured in the top 2% list of the world’s most-cited scientists compiled at Stanford University (USA) and published in Elsevier BV. The database aggregates the top 2 percent scientists of the world from different fields on the basis...
Pedro Ferreira, LASIGE integrated member and SATO’s project coordinator, presents the project at the Enlit Europe 2022, taking place in Frankfurt, Germany, from November 29 to December 1, 2022, during the session ‘Europe’s Digital Decade: Part Two, Data’. Filipe...
On November 24, 2022, the AQUAMON project organized a session to demonstrate some of the project results. The session took place at the “Lisboa à Vista” restaurant, which kindly provided the space (a boat docked at Baía do Seixal) not just for the demonstration, but...
Carlos Mão de Ferro, LASIGE’s researcher and PhD Student, has been selected to participate in the NASA International Internship Program (NASA I2) under the Reimbursable Space Act Agreement between the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and NASA,...
João Batista, LASIGE’s PhD student, moved to Tokyo for a three-month collaboration with professor Hitoshi Iba and his PhD student Kotaro Pindur, from IBA Laboratory at the University of Tokyo, in November 2022. The aim of this collaboration is to study feature...
Lasige’s PhD student Rita Sousa was invited for a three-month stay with the Data and Web Science (DWS) Group of the University of Mannheim, Germany, that started in September, 2022. During the research stay, Rita collaborated with Prof. Heiko Paulheim, the data...