Alysson Bessani, integrated member and director of LASIGE, was invited to speak at OPODIS 2024, the Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems and one of the top three in the area of distributed algorithms, which took place from 11 to 13 December 2024 in Lucca,...
The paper Chasing Lightspeed Consensus: Fast Wide-Area Byzantine Replication with Mercury authored by LASIGE integrated members Alysson Bessani and Vinicius Cogo was awarded at the ACM/IFIP Middleware Conference 2024 in the beginning of December, 2024, at Hong Kong,...
La Caixa Foundation Fellows’ Association on the occasion of World Futures Day, on 2 December, 2024, mapped out the steps that will lead us to a future that’s fair and sustainable for everyone, based on the contributions of six La Caixa Foundation Fellows’,...
LASIGE participates in the ITEA4 project “Intelligent Interoperable Digital Twins” (I2DT), which started on November 1, 2024. The project is coordinated by the RISE – Research institutes of Sweden, and joins 14 partners from 6 countries (Canada, Portugal,...
Rafael Ramires, one our LASIGE PhD Student, is currently, since September 2024, at University of Luxembourg doing part of his Ph.D. in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT). Rafael is in the Informatics Dual Ph.D. Degree program...
Ibéria Medeiros, LASIGE integrated member, was invited by the Center for Research on Engineering Software systems (CRESS) at University of Reykjavik, to visit the university, give a talk on September 10, 2024, give two lectures of Methodologies Offensives and...