Former LASIGE’s PhD student Diana F. Sousa was awarded by FCiências.ID. Her PhD thesis, titled ” Deep learning system for biomedical relation extraction combining external sources of knowledge”, completed in 2023, was recognized by the institution as outstanding research.
The FCiências.ID Awards recognizes exclusively, since 2019, doctoral theses of proven excellence from graduate students of the 3rd cycle of FCUL completed in the previous calendar year and was presented at the Ciências ULisboa anniversary ceremony.
Diana’ work explored how to build a biomedical relation extraction system using state-of-the-art language representations with semantics retrieved from external sources of knowledge, such as domain-specific ontologies. Learn more about it here.
Since the ending of her PhD studies, the researcher became, in 2023, a European Commission Joint Research Centre researcher and is a part of the Europe Media Monitor (EMM) and
Text Mining and Analysis Competence Centre (TMA-CC) teams, working on the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources(EIOS) project.