
Guilherme Ramos research published in Systems and Control Letters

Date: 30/11/2022

The paper “A resilient continuous-time consensus method using a switching topology”, authored by LASIGE’s integrated researcher Guilherme Ramos has been published in Systems and Control Letters, a top-ranked journal (Impact factor: 2.762; Scimago Q1). The paper co-authors are Daniel Silvestre (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA, Lisboa), António Pedro Aguiar (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto).

The paper addresses the design problem of a resilient consensus algorithm for agents with continuous-time dynamics by incorporating a switching mechanism that selects the network topology to avoid malicious nodes from communicating. The remaining nodes converge to a value closer to the original steady-state without the attacker being present. The switching occurs at discrete-time steps where each node evaluates the reputation score of the neighbours and deactivates/ignores edges in the network.

The paper is available here.