LASIGE, represented by members of the CPS research line, participates in the ADMORPH (Towards Adaptively Morphing Embedded Systems) project, funded by the EU under the H2020 ICT-01-2019 topic, which started in the beginning of this year. The consortium, led by the University of Amsterdam and including Thales Netherland (NL), SYSGO (FR), UTRC (IRL), Q-Media (CZ), University of Luxembourg (LU), University of Lund (SE), will explore system adaptivity as a promising technique to fuse fault- and intrusion tolerance with the increasing performance requirements of mission- and safety-critical cyber-physical systems of systems (CPSoS). The main contribution of LASIGE will be on the development of methods to increase the robustness of CPS(oS) against anomalies in the communication quality. LASIGE will also lead the project dissemination activities.
The kick-off meeting took place this week, in Amsterdam, with 25 participants from all consortium members, including António Casimiro and Pedro Ferreira from LASIGE. We are looking forward to bringing you many and exciting news about this ADMORPH project in the course of the next three years!