On September 5 and 6, 2024, LASIGE organized the 15th National Computer Science Symposium (INForum’24), which was held at Ciências ULisboa.
The Organizing Committee, composed by LASIGE integrated members, Luís Pinto, as chair, and Bernardo Ferreira, João Bimbo, Vinicius Cogo and the PhD collaborator Pedro Ângelo, was helped for some LASIGE student volunteers, Ricardo Gonçalves, Diogo Novo, Miguel Carvalho and Bruno Cotrim.
Also part of the Coordinating Committee were researchers Ana Paula Afonso, Luís Pinto, LASIGE integrated members, and Francisco Martins (former member) and Matilde Pato (PhD student).
INForum brings together the national computer science community and intends to the exchange of knowledge and experience between academia and industry the debut of young researchers seeking to disseminate, constructively criticize and encourage their work.