Alan Oliveira is participating in the CIBERLAB project, which aims to develop a cutting-edge laboratory for cybersecurity testing in the electrical sector. By combining Digital Twins, Hardware in the Loop, and AI-driven attack simulations, the project will replicate real conditions of electrical systems to identify and address vulnerabilities in these critical infrastructures. This initiative seeks to strengthen the resilience of electrical systems by testing, refining, and implementing robust defense strategies. CIBERLAB began on February 2023 and will be carried out until July 2025.
The project results from a collaboration between the R&D institution Lactec, which serves as the project coordinator, and the government agency Inmetro. It is funded by the Brazilian public electricity company Copel – Companhia Paranaense de Energia. The project also foresees a research partnership with the American government agency National Institute of Standards and Technology – NIST, which has a centre of excellence in cybersecurity as a technological and methodological reference in security assessment.