LASIGE is developing new approaches for improving the development experience of Machine Learning models for preventing financial fraud. The CMU|Portugal project Camelot is a collaboration between Feedzai, LASIGE/Ciências ULisboa, Técnico Lisboa, U.Coimbra and Carnegie Mellon University. The overall goal of the project is to develop new techniques that improve the prediction ability and reducing the operational costs of machine learning models while respecting client privacy. At LASIGE, the CAMELOT team includes Vasco Vasconcelos, Antónia Lopes and Cátia Pesquita, led by Alcides Fonseca. The focus of this team is to give feedback to Data Scientists about the cost and run-time viability of different Machine-Learning pipeline candidates. CAMELOT is a two-year project that totalled has near 2 million euros in funding.
LASIGE teams up with Feedzai in CAMELOT, the new CMU|Portugal project to fight financial crime.

Date: 28/09/2020