Tomorrow it will be the day!! 18 September is the LASIGE Welcome Day 2019.
We welcome the new members of the research unit, including the new students, the new assistant professors of the Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (2019/2020) and visitors.
We welcome also our active members, for being passionate and driven by excellence!
In order to strengthen our professional ties and to create group aggregation dynamics save this date and be part of it!
See the Agenda:
16h00 Welcome to LASIGE (Vasco Vasconcelos) C8.2.30
16h15 Keynote by Celso Martinho (Bright Pixel) C8.2.30
17h15 Coffee break Entrada C3
17h45 20-something years of LASIGE (António Casimiro) C8.2.30
18h05 Team Building (Alcides Fonseca) C8.2.30
20h00 Dinner Café Império
More details here.
(Project FCT: UID/CEC/00408/2019)