LASIGE is very proud and honored to congratulate its seven recent PhD graduates:
Diogo Lima, “A Geographical-Aware State Deployment Service for Fog Computing”, supervised by Hugo Miranda;
Diogo Soares, “Triclustering Three-way Temporal and Heterogeneous Data: Targeting Predictive and Descriptive Tasks for Biomedical Applications”, supervised by Sara C. Madeira and Rui Henriques (Inesc-ID);
Fernando Alves, “OSINT-Based Data-Driven Cybersecurity Discovery”, supervised by Alysson Bessani and Pedro M. Ferreira;
Filipa Ferreira-Brito, “An image-based applied game for neuropsychological rehabilitation: assessing its feasibility among elderly with vascular mild cognitive impairment”, supervised by Ana Verdelho (FMUL), Luís Carriço, Tiago Guerreiro, Cátia Caneiras (FMUL);
João Batista, “Evolving Robust and Readable Land Cover Models for Improved Forest Monitoring”, supervised by Sara Silva;
Pedro Barbosa, “Leveraging Deep Learning Models for Studying RNA Splicing in Health and Disease”, supervised by Alcides Fonseca and Maria Carmo-Fonseca (IMM);
Rita Sousa, “Semantic perspectives for learning over biomedical knowledge graphs”, supervised by Cátia Pesquita and Sara Silva.
It’s time to celebrate!!