Nuno Garcia, LASIGE integrated member, gave a talk on ‘Boosting your Productivity with AI’, on November 30, 2024, at Ciências Ulisboa, as part of the launching of the ‘IMPULSO IA’ programme, an artificial intelligence literacy programme promoted by APDC – Digital Business Community, and Google.
The aim of this session was to explore tools and strategies for increasing productivity through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace.
“IMPULSO IA” offers an accessible and inclusive experience, free of charge, with no previous experience of AI required. It aims is to give professionals the tools they need to use AI effectively and strategically in the workplace.
The welcome was given by Luís Carriço, LASIGE integrated member and Ciências Ulisboa Dean, as Rogério Carapuça, APDC’s President.
Margarida Balseiro Lopes, Minister for Youth and Modernization, intervened and Sofia Marta, Country Manager da Google Cloud Portugal, presented the programme “IMPULSO IA”.