Full Title
Autonomic platform for Machine Learning using anonymized dataDescription
The CAMELOT (autonomiC plAtform for MachinE Learning using anOnymized daTa) project aims at developing an innovative machine learning platform, which will tackle three key issues that hinder the efficiency and accuracy of modern AI applications:
• Ensuring real-time constraints during both the training and inference phases of machine learning models, while minimizing operational costs deriving from the use of cloud resources.
• Enabling learning over anonymized data, thus circumventing the privacy issues that currently prevent the reuse of information across models trained on datasets belonging to different entities (e.g., different financial institutions).
• Integrating information from different, independent and heterogenous data plataforms (e.g., key-value stores, relational and graph databases) in an automatic approach that maximizes the performance of machine learning applications.
Funding Entity
LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-045915Start Date
01/07/2020End Date
Feedzai - Consultadoria e Inovação Tecnológica, S.A.Partners
Universidade de Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico, Carnegie Mellon UniversityPrincipal Investigator at LASIGE
Alcides FonsecaTeam at LASIGE
- Alcides Fonseca
- Antónia Lopes
- Catarina Gamboa
- Cátia Pesquita
- Francisco Pimenta
- Guilherme Espada
- João David
- Paulo Canelas
- Pedro Barbosa
- Pedro Silva
- Vasco Vasconcelos