Full Title
Knowledge At the Tip of Your fingers: Clinical Knowledge for HumanityDescription
AI-empowered Personalized Medicine promises to find tailored, targeted, nearly “hand-made” cures for patients. Cancer treatment desperately needs boosters to find tailored, targeted cures for patients and Personalized Medicine can play a crucial role. Tailored targeted therapies in cancer treatment are already a reality but the current practice of targeted therapies in cancer treatment has been derived with traditional methods of data analysis. AI-empowered Personalized Medicine may help to bring targeted therapies to the next level. However, no matter how precise it is, no matter how many lives it can save in principle, and no matter if it can utilize the entire medical knowledge. If clinicians do not understand its suggestions and decisions, AI-empowered Personalized Medicine will not be a game-changer, clinicians will not use it to make everyday decisions and, thus, it is doomed to fail. Hence, the real challenge is building AI-empowered Personalized Medicine systems that can be accepted by clinicians and clinical researchers. In KATY, we grasp the above challenge and we propose an AI-empowered Personalized Medicine system that can bring medical “AI-empowered knowledge” to the tips of the fingers of clinicians and clinical researchers. The AI-empowered knowledge is a human interpretable knowledge that clinicians and clinical researchers can: understand, trust and effectively use in their everyday working routine. KATY is then an AI-empowered Personalized Medicine system built around two main components: A Distributed Knowledge Graph and A pool of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence predictors. As a stress test and due to the lack of personalized clinical responses, KATY will be experimented in a low prevalence and complex cancer: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC).
Funding Entity
EU H2020Reference
Grant agreement ID: 101017453Project Homepage
https://katy-project.eu/Start Date
01/01/2021End Date
University of Rome Tor VergataPartners
LASIGE/FCiências.ID, CEA, Univ. Edinburgh, DS Tech, Uniw. Gdanski, Univ. St Andrews, Univ. Vienna, Eurecat, Eurice, OpenEvidence, Istituto. Nazionale dei Tumori, Lab4Life, Univ. Zaragoza, Personal Genomics, CHU Grenoble, Lunds Universitet, HPI, NKUA, NTUU KPIPrincipal Investigator at LASIGE
Cátia PesquitaTeam at LASIGE
- Ana Filipa Rodrigues
- Beatriz Moreira
- André Mendes
- Beatriz Bernardino
- Daniel Faria
- Lucas Ferraz
- Laura Balbi
- Marta Silva
- Pedro Cotovio
- Pedro Serrano
- Ricardo Carvalho
- Susana Nunes