
Sara Silva and Cátia Pesquita participate in MarCODE project

Date: 06/07/2020

Sara Silva and Cátia Pesquita are participating in MarCODE, a research project that aims to develop a multidisciplinary tool to enhance the screening and eco-labelling of marine species of commercial interest.

The project integrates a multidisciplinary team composed of researchers from the area of Biology and Computer Science. The LASIGE researchers will collaborate in the development of computational strategies to allow the traceability of fisheries and aquaculture products. Their research work will involve the exploration of methods of data integration and exploration, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Bernardo Duarte, the Coordinator of the project, explains that with the tool it will be possible to identify marine species and its areas of capture or origin, and, therefore, contribute to the species ecological and economic valorisation and stimulate the development of certification programs by the competent authorities.

The MarCODE projects partners Ciências ULisboa R&D Units MARE (of which Bernardo Duarte is a member), BioSI and LASIGE with IPMA and Docapesca and has a total funding of € 1,257,208.71, being co-financed by the Operational Program MAR 2020 under the European Maritime Affairs Fund and Fisheries. The research will take place on Ciências ULisboa and will be supported by the analytical infrastructure of the ecotoxicology and bio-monitorization laboratory BIOTOX.

The study started on July 1 and will last for 36 months.