

RSS meetup: Gil Silva

RSS Meetups are monthly gatherings of LASIGE members with research interests mainly in Software Architecture, Verification, Testing, Programming Languages, Type Systems, Logic, Concurrency, and Formal Methods.

Title: Subtyping Context-Free Session Types
Speaker: Gil Silva (LASIGE/FCUL)
When: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 11h
Where: FCUL, room C6.1.25
Abstract: In this talk I’ll present my MSc thesis project: how I added support for subtyping in the FreeST programming language, a general purpose, high-level, functional programming language featuring message-passing concurrency governed by context-free session types. This will touch upon topics such as context-free grammars, undecidability, and simulation relations. In the end, I’ll also give a glimpse of my current project: a complete overhaul of the FreeST compiler to support
better syntax, error messages, and incorporate recent developments such as type operators and type inference.