
Workshop on Machine Learning for CyberSecurity @ ECMLPKDD 2020

Date: 01/04/2020

Pedro Ferreira and Ibéria Medeiros are members of the organizing committee of the second Workshop on Machine Learning for CyberSecurity (MLCS 2020).

The Workshop will take place on September 2020, in Ghent, Belgium, and is co-located with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD 2020).

The last decade has been a critical one regarding cybersecurity, withstudies estimating the cost of cybercrime to be up to 0.8 percent of the global GDP. The capability to detect, analyse, and defend against threats in (near) real-time conditions is not possible without employing machine learning techniques and big data infrastructures. This gives rise to cyberthreat intelligence and analytic solutions, such as (informed) machine learning on big data and open-source intelligence, to perceive, reason, learn, and act against cyber adversary techniques and actions. Moreover, organisations’ security analysts have to manage and protect systems and deal with the privacy and security of all personal and institutional data under their control. The aim of this workshop is to provide researchers with a forum to exchange and discuss scientific contributions, open challenges and recent achievements in machine learning and their role in the development of secure systems.

When: September, 2019

Where: Ghent, Belgium Submission

Deadline: Jun 9, 2020

Notification Due: Jul 9, 2020

Final Version Due: Jul 20, 2020