Title: Tradeoffs of Everyday Text-Entry Collection Methods
Speaker: André Rodrigues, LASIGE
When: October 8, 2021; 14h30
Where: 6.2.44
Abstract: Typing on mobile devices is a common and complex task. The act of typing itself thereby encodes rich information, such as the typing method, the context it is performed in, and individual traits of the person typing. Researchers are increasingly using a selection or combination of experience sampling and passive sensing methods in real-world settings to examine typing behaviours. However, there is limited understanding of the effects these methods have on measures of input speed, typing behaviours, compliance, perceived trust and privacy. In this seminar, I will present our work investigating the tradeoffs of everyday data collection methods.
Bio: André Rodrigues is a computer science researcher focused on HCI, with a particular interest in how technology can and is leveraged in accessibility, health, and gaming. He completed his PhD with distinction and honour in January 2020 in Computer Science from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. For the last seven years, he has dedicated himself to learn, design, develop and evaluate mobile services, applications and platforms for a variety of contexts (e.g. people with visual/motor impairments, people with Parkinson’s Disease), always working closely with and/or within the communities. André is currently a Researcher at LASIGE and a long-time member of SIGACCESS where he serves as the Newsletter Editor.