
3rd LASIGE Workshop (2018)

Screenshot-2018-6-5 LASIGE Workshop'18
Date: 05/06/2018

The 3rd LASIGE Workshop will be held on June 7, 2018, at the FCiências.ID Auditorium (C1 building) and aims at reinforcing the connections among its members and the scientific community.

This venue has three main goals:

  • Discuss the current status of LaSIGE and its next steps.
  • Create synergies between LaSIGE and other research labs by disseminating scientific works and sharing research impressions.
  • Bring together all LaSIGE members to discuss the challenges and potential solutions that each line or researcher is pursuing.



07-Jun-2018, 09:15 – 10:15
First speaker: Dr. D. Paul Ralph, University of Auckland
Title: The Psychology of Software Development: Myths and Findings
07-Jun-2018, 11:15 – 12:15
Second speaker: Prof. Dr. Marco Vieira, University of Coimbra
Title: Benchmarking the Security of Software Systems: TO BEnchmark OR NOT TO BEnchmark

Full program of the event: Link