

António Casimiro

LASIGE member appointed by Ciências to the Board of FCiências.ID

LASIGE publishes in the ACM CSUR Journal

António Casimiro visit and invited talk @ KAUST


LASIGE @ Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023

António Casimiro at the VEDLIoT’s 5th Project General Assembly

VEDLIoT project @ the IoT Tech Expo 2023

ADMORPH project final review

Strong presence of LASIGE @ DSN2023

8th LASIGE Workshop (2023)


ADMORPH Consortium Meeting in Luxembourg

Vedliot’s 3rd Project General Assembly

LASIGE at INForum 2022 organization

ADMORPH project meets at Lisbon

LASIGE distinguished @ the 111st Ciências ULisboa anniversary

LASIGE @ Cybersecurity Executive Program

ADMORPH's project @ YouTube channel

LASIGE @ Encontro Ciência'21

LASIGE’s paper getting considerable media coverage

H2020 SEEDS kick-off project meeting

José Cecílio, Pedro M. Ferreira and António Casimiro's paper at MDPI Sensors Journal

VEDLIoT, the new EU project funding of LASIGE

LASIGE @ Encontro Ciência' 20

Successful organization at SafeComp2020

LASIGE gets H2020 MSCA RISE funding in the SEEDS project

LASIGE publication @ IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

LASIGE participates in CERCIRAS, a COST funded R&D network

General Chair and Program Co-Chair @ SafeComp 2020

New LASIGE Executive Committee Elected (2020/2021)

LASIGE relevant participation - INForum 2019

António Casimiro is the new Ada User Journal (AUJ) Editor-in-Chief

António Casimiro's talk @ IFIP 10.4 Working Group

LASIGE members have been selected to host prestigious conferences in their fields

Invited Talk @ ASHLEY Project - Academic Workshop

Best Student Paper Award @ INFórum 2015

Keynote speech @ COSSMO 2015

INForum 2015 - Simpósio de Informática

1st Workshop on Safety and Security of Intelligent Vehicles (SSIV 2015) co-organized by LaSIGE member

IFIP 10.4 Working Group Workshop organized by LaSIGE member

Round Table @ Porto Cyber Security Conference 2015


Acronym Title Funding Entity Start Date End Date
I2DT Intelligent Interoperable Digital Twins P2030 01/11/2024 31/10/2027


Acronym Title Funding Entity Start Date End Date
SEEDS A holistic design of secure vehicular networks: communications, data caching and blockchain services EU 01/03/2021 28/02/2025
VEDLIoT Very Efficient Deep Learning IoT platform EU H2020 01/11/2020 31/10/2023
XIVT eXcellence In Variant Testing P2020 01/01/2020 30/06/2023
ADMORPH Adaptive, dynamically morphing, mission and safety-critical CPS EU H2020 01/01/2020 30/06/2023
AQUAMON Dependable Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks in Water Environments FCT 01/10/2018 30/09/2022
REDBOOK Robust hardwarE-based Defences against Buffer Overflows and Other cybersecurity attacKs FCT 01/10/2018 30/09/2021
IRCoC Intelligent Resilience for Cloud-of-Clouds Services FCT 01/07/2016 31/12/2019
NORTH Non-intrusive Observation and RunTime verification of cyber-pHysical systems FCT 01/01/2017 31/12/2018
ParIS Strategic partnership in Information Security EU ERASMUS+ 01/10/2014 30/09/2017
KARYON Kernel-based Architecture for safety-critical cONtrol EU FP7 01/10/2011 31/12/2014
TRONE Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment FCT 01/10/2010 31/03/2014
MASSIF MASSIF - MAnagement of Security information and events in Service InFrastructures EU FP7 01/10/2010 30/09/2013
CloudFIT CloudFIT - Fault and Intrusion Tolerance for Cloud Computing FCT 01/01/2010 31/12/2011
HIDENETS HIghly DEpendable ip-based NETworks and Services EU FP6 02/01/2006 01/01/2009
Tiago CarvalhoAntonio CasimiroAlysson BessaniOn the Design of Coordination Services for IoT. In 2024 54th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - Supplemental Volume (DSN-S), pages 38-42. IEEE, 2024 [Biblios]
Costa, G.Cecílio, J.Casimiro, A.Cooperative Autonomous Driving in Simulation. In Ada User Journal, pages 133-136(2), 2023 [Biblios]
Inês Sousa SousaAntónio CasimiroJosé CecílioArtificial Neural Networks for Real-Time Data Quality Assurance. ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, 42(1):86-89, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022 [Biblios]
Jesus, G.Oliveira, A.Casimiro, A.Systematic Failure Detection and Correction in Environmental Monitoring Systems. Sensors & Transducers Journal, 252(5):28-34, International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing, 2021 [Biblios]
Gonçalo JesusAntónio CasimiroAnabela OliveiraUsing Machine Learning for Dependable Outlier Detection in Environmental Monitoring Systems. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 5(3):1-30, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021 [Biblios]
Antonio CasimiroFrank OrtmeierFriedemann BitschPedro FerreiraComputer Safety, Reliability, and Security, Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020 [Biblios]
Antonio CasimiroEmelie EkenstedtElad M. SchillerSelf-Stabilizing Manoeuvre Negotiation: The Case of Virtual Traffic Lights. In 2019 38th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). IEEE, 2019 [Biblios]
Alan Oliveira de SáAntónio CasimiroRaphael Carlos Santos MachadoLuiz Fernando Rust da Costa CarmoBio-inspired System Identification Attacks in Noisy Networked Control Systems, In Bio-inspired Information and Communication Technologies,Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, pages 28 - 38. Springer International Publishing, 2019 [Biblios]
António CasimiroPedro M. FerreiraReliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2018, Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018 [Biblios]
Gonçalo JesusAntónio CasimiroAnabela OliveiraDependable Outlier Detection in Harsh Environments Monitoring Systems. In Developments in Language Theory,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 224-233. Springer International Publishing, 2018 [Biblios]
Andre NogueiraAntonio CasimiroAlysson BessaniElastic State Machine Replication. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(9):2486-2499, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017 [Biblios]
Joao Carlos CunhaKalinka BrancoAntonio CasimiroUrbano NunesSSIV 2017 Welcome. In 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W). IEEE, 2017 [Biblios]
Joao Carlos CunhaKalinka Castelo BrancAntonio CasimiroUrbano Jose C. NunesEditorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Safety and Security of Intelligent Vehicles [Guest Editorial]. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 9(1):6-7, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017 [Biblios]
António CasimiroInês GouveiaJosé RufinoEnforcing Timeliness and Safety in Mission-Critical Systems. In Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2017,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 53-69. Springer International Publishing, 2017 [Biblios]
Joao Carlos CunhaKalinka BrancoAntonio CasimiroUrbano NunesIntroduction to SSIV 2016. In 2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W). IEEE, 2016 [Biblios]
Casimiro, A.Defago, X.Message from Technical Program Co-chairs. In 2014 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. IEEE, 2014 [Biblios]
Gonçalo JesusAntonio CasimiroAnabela OliveiraEnsuring reliable measurements in remote aquatic sensor networks. In 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2014), 2014 [Biblios]
António CasimiroOscar Morales PonceThomas PetigElad M. SchillerVehicular Coordination via a Safety Kernel in the Gulliver Test-bed. In The Thirteenth International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks (ADSN 2014), Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, pages 167-176, 2014 [Biblios]
Pedro Nóbrega da CostaJoão Pedro CraveiroAntónio CasimiroJosé RufinoSafety Kernel for Cooperative Sensor-Based Systems. In Safecomp 2013 Workshop on Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile Systems (ASCoMS), 2013 [Biblios]
Mônica DixitHenrique MonizAntónio CasimiroTimeout-based Adaptive Consensus: Improving Performance through Adaptation.. In 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems Track, 2012 [Biblios]
Diego KreutzAntónio CasimiroMarcelo PasinA Trustworthy and Resilient Event Broker for Monitoring Cloud Infrastructures. In 12th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS'12), pages 87-95. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012 [Biblios]
Amir Soltani NezhadAntónio CasimiroPaulo VeríssimoA Secure Architecture for a Recursive Virtualization Environment. In International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'12), 2012 [Biblios]
António CasimiroPaulo VeríssimoDiego KreutzFilipe AraújoRaúl BarbosaSamuel NevesBruno SousaMarília CuradoCarlos SilvaRajeev GandhiPriya NarasimhanTRONE: Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment. In 2nd International Workshop on Dependability of Clouds, Data Centers and Virtual Machine Technology (DCDV'12), pages 1-6, 2012 [Biblios]
Luís MarquesAntónio CasimiroTowards Dependable and Stable Perception in Smart Environments with Timing and Value Faults. In Workshop on Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile Systems (ASCoMS'12), pages 151-161, 2012 [Biblios]
António CasimiroJörg KaiserJohan KarlssonElad M. SchillerPhilippas TsigasPedro CostaJosé PariziRolf JohanssonRenato LibrinoKARYON: Towards Safety Kernels for Cooperative Vehicular Systems. In 14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), 2012 [Biblios]
Filipe AraujoRaul BarbosaAntónio CasimiroReplication for Dependability on Virtualized Cloud Environments. In 10th International Workshop on Middleware for Clouds and e-science, 2012 [Biblios]
Padhy, S.A. CasimiroD. KreutzM. PasinTrustworthy and Resilient Monitoring System for Cloud Infrastructure. In ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference, Poster session, 2011 [Biblios]
Luís MarquesAntónio CasimiroLightweight Dependable Adaptation for Wireless Sensor Networks. In 4th International Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems (DNCMS'11), in Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops (SRDS'11), pages 26-35, 2011 [Biblios]
António CasimiroMônica DixitFrom static to dynamic protocols: adapting timeouts for improved performance. In I Workshop on Autonomic Distributed Systems (WoSIDA'11), pages 17-21, 2011 [Biblios]
Casimiro, A.Lemos, R.Gacek, C.Architecting Dependable Systems VII, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010 [Biblios]
Mônica DixitAntónio CasimiroAdaptare-FD: A dependability-oriented adaptive failure detector. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'10), 2010 [Biblios]
Luís MarquesAntónio CasimiroData Validity and Dependable Perception in Networked Sensor-Based Systems. In 3rd International Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems (DNCMS'10), 2010 [Biblios]
Luís MarquesAntónio CasimiroMário CalhaDesign and development of a proof-of-concept platooning application using the hidenets architecture. In 39th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2009), 2009 [Biblios]
António CasimiroJosé RufinoLuís MarquesMário CalhaPaulo VeríssimoApplying architectural hybridization in networked embedded systems. In The Seventh IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2009),, 2009 [Biblios]
Mônica DixitAntónio CasimiroNuno LaranjeiroMarco VieiraUsing Experimental Measurements to Assess Dependable Adaptation Support Mechanisms for Timed Transactions. In Workshop on Sharing Field Data and Experiment Measurements on Resilience of Distributed Computing Systems, with Proceedings of the 27th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2008 [Biblios]
António CasimiroPaolo LolliniMônica DixitAndrea BondavalliPaulo VeríssimoA framework for dependable QoS adaptation in probabilistic environments. In 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC’08), Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems Track, 2008 [Biblios]
Marco VieiraAntónio C. CostaHenrique MadeiraTowards Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS. In Advances in Databases: Concepts, Systems and Applications,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 262-274. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007 [Biblios]
Marco VieiraAntónio CasimiroHenrique MadeiraTowards Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS. In 12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2007 [Biblios]
Hugo OrtizAntónio CasimiroPaulo VeríssimoArchitecture and Implementation of an Embedded Wormhole. In IEEE Second International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 2007 [Biblios]
António CasimiroMarco VieiraHenrique MadeiraMiddleware Support for Time-Elastic Database Applications. In International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2007 [Biblios]
Vieira M.A. Casimiro, H. Madeira.Towards Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS. In IEEE 12th International Symposium Pacific Rim Dependable Computing, 2006 [Biblios]
Marco VieiraAntónio CasimiroHenrique MadeiraTACID Transactions. In the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 1st Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep-05), 2005 [Biblios]
Pedro MartinsAntónio CasimiroPaulo VeríssimoA Generic Temporal Consistency Model for Distributed Control Systems. In WACERTS'04 - Workshop on Architectures for Cooperative Embedded Real-Time Systems, 2004 [Biblios]
Pedro MartinsPaulo SousaAntónio CasimiroPaulo VeríssimoDependable Adaptive Real-Time Applications in Wormhole-based Systems. In International Conference onDependable Systems and Networks (DSN'04), 2004 [Biblios]
Marco VieiraAntónio CasimiroHenrique MadeiraTimely ACID Transactions in DBMS. In International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - DSN 2004, 2004 [Biblios]
Paulo VeríssimoAntónio CasimiroEvent-Driven Support of Real-Time Sentient Objects. In 8th IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems, 2003 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. VeríssimoGeneric Timing Fault Tolerance using a Timely Computing Base. In DSN 2002 - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2002 [Biblios]
P. VeríssimoA. CasimiroThe Timely Computing Base Model and Architecture. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, 51(8), 2002 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. VerissimoUsing the timely computing base for dependable QoS adaptation. In Proceedings 20th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. IEEE Comput. Soc, 2001 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. MartinsP. VerissimoL. RodriguesMeasuring distributed durations with stable errors. In Proceedings 22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2001) (Cat. No.01PR1420). IEEE Comput. Soc, 2001 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. VeríssimoUsing the Timely Computing Base for Dependable QoS Adaptation. In 20th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2001 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. MartinsP. VeríssimoL. RodriguesMeasuring Distributed Durations with Stable Errors. In 22nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2001), 2001 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroM. CorreiaRecent Advances on the Timely Computing Base Model. In DSN 2001 - International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2001 [Biblios]
P. VerissimoA. CasimiroC. FetzerThe timely computing base: Timely actions in the presence of uncertain timeliness. In Proceeding International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. DSN 2000. IEEE Comput. Soc, 2000 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. MartinsP. VerissimoHow to build a timely computing base using real-time Linux. In 2000 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.00TH8531). IEEE, 2000 [Biblios]
P. VeríssimoA. CasimiroC. FetzerThe Timely Computing Base: Timely Actions in the Presence of Uncertain Timeliness. In DSN 2000 -International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2000 [Biblios]
P. VeríssimoA. CasimiroL. M. PinhoF. VasquesL. RodriguesE. TovarDistributed Computer-Controlled Systems: the DEAR-COTS Approach. In 16th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems, 2000 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. MartinsP. VeríssimoHow to Build a Timely Computing Base using Real-Time Linux. In IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems - 2000, 2000 [Biblios]
A. CasimiroP. VeríssimoTiming Failure Detection with a Timely Computing Base. In 3rd European Research Seminar on Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS'99), 1999 [Biblios]
Paulo VeríssimoLuís RodriguesAntonio CasimiroCesiumSpray: a Precise and Accurate Global Time Service for Large-scale Systems. Real-Time Systems, 12(3):243-294, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1997 [Biblios]
Paulo VeríssimoSérgio MelroAntónio CasimiroLuís SilvaDistributed Industrial Information Systems: Design and Experience, In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,Balanced Automation Systems II, pages 175 - 190. Springer US, 1996 [Biblios]
L. RodriguesP. VeríssimoA. CasimiroPriority-Based Totally Ordered Multicast. In IFAC Proceedings Volumes, pages 351-359(5). Elsevier BV, 1995 [Biblios]
L. RodriguesP. VerissimoA. CasimiroUsing atomic broadcast to implement a posteriori agreement for clock synchronization. In Proceedings of 1993 IEEE 12th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1993 [Biblios]