

Sara Silva

LASIGE researchers publish in the Radiology: Artificial Intelligence journal

LASIGE’s work can improve the early detection of one of the most prevalent cancers

LASIGE's 2024 PhD graduations

LASIGE researchers publish in the journal Scientific Data

LASIGE publishes in the Swarm and Evolutionary Computation journal

Sara Silva's book reviewed by Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines

LASIGE @ CIÊNCIAS Research & Innovation Day 2024

Nuno Neves, Sara Silva, and Francisco M. Couto top researchers at

LASIGE team publishes in Computers for Biology and Medicine journal

Sara Silva and Nuno C. Garcia in Global Challenges short video series

LASIGE @ Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023

Sara Silva general chair at GECCO 2023

Sara Silva on the Executive Board of SIGEVO (23/28)

LASIGE publishes in IEEE Access

Rita Sousa, Sara Silva and Cátia Pesquita accepted @ KR 2023

Nuno Neves and Sara Silva top researchers at

Girls in ICT 2023 @ Ciências

Sara Silva on the Executive Board of SPECIES Society (23/24)

8th LASIGE Workshop (2023)

Sara Silva interviewed by the SPECIES Society

MarCODE project results

Sara Silva publishes a book with Springer

LASIGE Ph.D. Students studying at CMU

LASIGE at FTC's SDG sessions

LASIGE research's published in Information Sciences

LASIGE published in International Journal of Remote Sensing

Keynote speaker @ SeWeBMeDA

LASIGE at Encontro Ciência 2022

LASIGE @ Ciências Research Day 2021

Nuno Rodrigues, João Batista, Pedro Mariano and Sara Silva work published in Biology journal

Best Poster Award at ESWC2021

Sara Silva and Alcides Fonseca @ GPTP 2021

João Batista and Sara Silva's research publish in Remote Sensing Journal

Sara Silva Plenary Speaker @ HAIS2020

LASIGE's MSc student Nuno Rodrigues work published in IEEE Access, a top ranked journal

Sara Silva and Cátia Pesquita participate in MarCODE project

Sara Silva re-elected at the Executive Board of SPECIES Society

BINDER project highlighted at Público newspaper

LASIGE researchers publish in BMC Bioinformatics Special Issue in Machine learning for computational and systems biology


Acronym Title Funding Entity Start Date End Date
THOR Computer Assisted Thoracic Assessment using POCUS FCT 01/03/2021 29/02/2024
MarCODE Development and Application of Biochemical Tools for Seafood Products Traceability MAR2020 Other 01/07/2020 30/06/2023
OPTOX Development and validation of bio-optical ecotoxicological tests in marine phototrophs FCT 01/10/2018 30/09/2022
INTERPHENO Fostering High Throughput Plant Phenotyping by an Interdisciplinary Approach FCT 15/09/2018 14/09/2022
BINDER Improving Bio-Inspired Deep Learning for Radiomics FCT 01/10/2018 30/07/2022
GADgET Online Gambling Addiction Detection FCT 10/01/2019 09/07/2022
PREDICT Personalized therapy for RhEumatic DIseases via machine learning FCT 01/01/2019 31/12/2021
João Eduardo BatistaNuno Miguel RodriguesLeonardo VanneschiSara SilvaM6GP: Multiobjective Feature Engineering. In 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pages 1-8. IEEE, 2024 [Biblios]
Giorgia NadizarBerfin SakalliogluFraser GarrowSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiGeometric semantic GP with linear scaling: Darwinian versus Lamarckian evolution. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 25(2), Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2024 [Biblios]
Leonor ReigadaJoão VasconcelosMarco RodriguesJoão PereiraSara SilvaCarla SilvaSustainability of GECCO 2023. ACM SIGEVOlution, 17(1):1-8, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024 [Biblios]
João E. BatistaSara SilvaEvolutionary Machine Learning in Environmental Science, In Handbook of Evolutionary Machine Learning,Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pages 563 - 590. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023 [Biblios]
Nuno RodriguesJosé AlmeidaSara SilvaPerformance Analysis of Self-Supervised Strategies for Standard Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2023 [Biblios]
Philipp FleckStephan WinklerMichael KommendaSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiMichael AffenzellerEvolutionary Algorithms for Segment Optimization in Vectorial GP. In Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2023 [Biblios]
Karina Brotto RebuliMario GiacobiniSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiA Comparison of Structural Complexity Metrics for Explainable Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2023 [Biblios]
Giorgia NadizarFraser GarrowBerfin SakalliogluLorenzo CanonneSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiAn Investigation of Geometric Semantic GP with Linear Scaling. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. ACM, 2023 [Biblios]
Leonardo VanneschiSara SilvaLectures on Intelligent Systems, Springer International Publishing, Natural Computing Series, 2023 [Biblios]
Leonardo TrujilloStephan M. WinklerSara SilvaWolfgang BanzhafGenetic Programming Theory and Practice XIX, Springer Nature Singapore, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2023 [Biblios]
Pedro CarvalhoBruno RibeiroNuno M. RodriguesJoão E. BatistaLeonardo VanneschiSara SilvaFeature Selection on Epistatic Problems Using Genetic Algorithms with Nested Classifiers. In Applications of Evolutionary Computation,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 656-671. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 [Biblios]
Rita T. SousaSara SilvaCatia PesquitaSupervised Biomedical Semantic Similarity. IEEE Access, 11, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023 [Biblios]
Rita T. SousaSara SilvaHeiko PaulheimCatia PesquitaBiomedical Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Negative Statements. In The Semantic Web – ISWC 2023,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 428-446. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 [Biblios]
Rita T. SousaSara SilvaCatia PesquitaExplaining Protein-Protein Interaction Predictions with Genetic Programming. In Evo* 2022 -- Late-Breaking Abstracts Volume, pages 30-33, 2022 [Biblios]
Joao E. BatistaSara SilvaComparative study of classifier performance using automatic feature construction by M3GP. In 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 2022 [Biblios]
João E. BatistaSara SilvaEvolving a cloud-robust water index with genetic programming. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. ACM, 2022 [Biblios]
Alcides FonsecaPaulo SantosGuilherme EspadaSara SilvaGrammatical Evolution Mapping for Semantically-Constrained Genetic Programming, In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation,Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XVIII, pages 45 - 62. Springer Singapore, 2022 [Biblios]
Rita T. SousaSara SilvaCatia PesquitaThe Supervised Semantic Similarity Toolkit, In The Semantic Web: ESWC 2022 Satellite Events,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 42 - 46. Springer International Publishing, 2022 [Biblios]
Paulo SantosSara SilvaAlcides FonsecaRefined typed genetic programming as a user interface for genetic programming, Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, 2020 [Biblios]
Nuno M. RodriguesSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiA Study of Fitness Landscapes for Neuroevolution. In 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE, 2020 [Biblios]
Uriel LópezLeonardo TrujilloSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiPierrick LegrandUnlabeled multi-target regression with genetic programming. In Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. ACM, 2020 [Biblios]
Nuno M. RodriguesJoão E. BatistaSara SilvaEnsemble Genetic Programming, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Genetic Programming, pages 151 - 166. Springer International Publishing, 2020 [Biblios]
Leonardo VanneschiMauro CastelliLuca ManzoniSara SilvaLeonardo TrujilloIs k Nearest Neighbours Regression Better Than GP?, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Genetic Programming, pages 244 - 261. Springer International Publishing, 2020 [Biblios]
Nuno M. RodriguesSara SilvaLeonardo VanneschiA Study of Generalization and Fitness Landscapes for Neuroevolution. IEEE Access, 8, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020 [Biblios]
Alcides FonsecaPaulo SantosSara SilvaThe Usability Argument for Refinement Typed Genetic Programming. In Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVI,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 18-32. Springer International Publishing, 2020 [Biblios]
Irene AzzaliLeonardo VanneschiSara SilvaIllya BakurovMario GiacobiniA Vectorial Approach to Genetic Programming, In Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Genetic Programming, pages 213 - 227. Springer International Publishing, 2019 [Biblios]
João E. BatistaNuno M. RodriguesSara SilvaTo adapt or not to adapt, or the beauty of random settings. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion on - GECCO '19. ACM Press, 2019 [Biblios]