Projects • 


Full Title
A holistic design of secure vehicular networks: communications, data caching and blockchain services

With the rapid development of future connected vehicles, Cyber Security has been gaining increasing importance to the connected systems that are fundamental to our society, health and welfare. It will be given priority to the upcoming areas, including autonomous systems and cyber-physical systems, etc. The SEEDS project sets an ambitious research agenda to fully exploit the potentials of V2X communications, data caching and blockchain services for revolutionizing the security and privacy of vehicular networks. Particularly the overall aim of SEEDS is to accelerate the transfer and deployment of research knowledge between European countries and third-country (TC) partners in order to realize a cross-layer design of reliable and robust security for V2X networks, and meet the challenging security requirements, that is confidentiality, integrity, privacy-preserving, trust and scalability. The technical approach is two-fold. One is to pursue a new design of spectrum efficient and decentralized approaches to address security challenges in physical layer communications and upper layer content disseminations by fully exploring the practical and theoretical analysis, dynamic nature of channels/traffic patterns and self-learning techniques, which provides the theoretic aspect of the project. Then, the second step is from the practical aspect, where the proposed security methods and their performance will be validated using large scale simulations and testbed provided by the TC partners. The proposed vehicular mechanisms are expected to facilitate an increasing number of vehicular applications with flexible availability, high confidentiality and robust integrity.

Funding Entity
H2020 MSCA RISE, G. A. n.º 101006411
Start Date
End Date
University of Sussex
LASIGE/FCiências.ID, University of Manchester, Nanyang Technological University, Beihang University, and Tsinghua University
Principal Investigator at LASIGE
Naercio Magaia
Team at LASIGE