

Talks @ DI | Vinicius Cogo

Title: Who has read my data on efficient, dependable large-scale systems?
Speaker: Vinicius Cogo, LASIGE – DI/FCUL
When: March 30, 13h30


Abstract: This talk will briefly recall my last decade in LASIGE/DI and overview some of our recent ongoing works on efficient, dependable large-scale systems. More specifically, I will describe our results from a recent theoretical study about auditable storage emulations, where we identified tight bounds and impossibility results for auditors reporting who has effectively read data in resilient information dispersal schemes. These results have immediate practical consequences since enabling such an auditability in most (if not all) of the existent information dispersal solutions demands f to 2f more objects than the minimal default configurations they foresee.


Bio: Vinicius Cogo is an Invited Assistant Professor of the Department of Informatics from the Faculty of Sciences (Ciências) of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa, Portugal) and an Integrated Researcher of the LASIGE research lab. He has a PhD and a MSc in Informatics from Ciências/ULisboa and a BSc in Computer Science from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM, Brazil). He authored more than twenty peer-reviewed publications, worked on three project proposals and six projects as a hired researcher, and has been working on two projects as an integrated researcher. His research interests include distributed systems, dependability, fault tolerance, security, storage of critical data, and cloud computing.