Research Lines • 
Reliable Software Systems
Acronym | Title | Funding Entity | Start Date | End Date |
REACT | Reliable and Expressive Concurrent Systems through Advanced Session Types | FCT | 01/01/2025 | 31/12/2025 |
EuroProofNet | European Research Network on Formal Proofs | COST ACTION | 11/10/2021 | 10/10/2025 |
Acronym | Title | Funding Entity | Start Date | End Date |
DACOMICO | Data Consistency in Microservices Compositions | FCT | 15/01/2022 | 14/01/2025 |
SafeSessions | Safe Concurrent Programming with Session Types | FCT | 01/03/2021 | 31/08/2024 |
RAP | Resource Aware Programming | FCT | 13/01/2022 | 12/01/2024 |
CAMELOT | Autonomic platform for Machine Learning using anonymized data | P2020 | 01/07/2020 | 01/01/2023 |
EUTypes | The European Research Network on Types for Programming and Verification | COST ACTION | 24/03/2016 | 20/03/2020 |
FAULTLocker | FAULT LOCalization and repair toolKit for dEpendable softwaRe | FCT | 01/09/2018 | 03/03/2020 |
doit | Decentralization and Optimization of IoT aware business processes | FCT | 01/07/2016 | 31/12/2019 |
Abyss | Autonomic Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Systems | FCT | 01/07/2016 | 31/12/2019 |
CONFIDENT | Communication Contracts for Distributed Systems Development | FCT | 01/05/2016 | 31/10/2019 |
Acronym | Short Description |
Tsallis Entropy calculator | Tool developed to compute and compare several versions of conditional Tsallis entropies existing in the literature |
QUEST | A suite of tools integrated in a Eclipse plug-in that aim to ensure compliance of Java implementations of data abstractions with their property-driven specifications |
DOL | A Dependent Object-oriented Language featuring dependent types, mutable objects and class-based inheritance with subtyping |
CONFIDENT | A toolchain for effective construction and evolution of REST APIs |
FreeST | A concurrent programming language featuring context-free session types |
Æon compiler | A code compiler and synthesizer in the homonymous language, implemented in Python |
SePi | A concurrent, message-passing programming language based on the pi-calculus |
ProPi | A tool to statically verify whether message passing programs are free from deadlocks |
PESTT | An Eclipse plug-in for learning and designing unit tests for the Java language |
ParTypes | A toolchain for validating and synthesising message-based programs for Message Passing Interface programs |
MOOL | A mini object-oriented language in a Java-like style with support for concurrency, that allows programmers to specify class usage protocols as types |
MIL | An assembly language targeted at an abstract multi-processor equipped with a shared main memory |
SGBisim | A tool that checks if a simple grammar is bisimilar |
CFSTEquiv | A tool that tests if two context-free session types are equivalent |
Cooperari | A tool for cooperative testing of multithreaded Java applications |
ASPA | A patching tool for JVM class files |
TryIt | Learn and use RSS tools straight from your web browser |
ConGu | A tool that supports the checking of Java classes against property-driven algebraic specifications |
BICA | An extension of the Java language that enables the verification of Java programs against a session type specification |
AguiaJ | An pedagogical environment for experimenting object-oriented programming in Java |